
Thursday, January 08, 2004

More cool tools
I need to post a list of the tools I find invaluable for my 1.5 readers :)

In the meantime, here's some links:
Wesner Moise talks about nant and NUnit.
If you don't have Scott Hanselman on your BlogRoll, add him now. He has a list of tools here.

NUnit Love
nUnit is my new favorite development tool. I'm trying test driven development using nUnit on a project I'm working on now, and I've fallen in love. It seems a little un-natural at first but you, and I initially thought it would add a lot of time to development, but it turns out that usually it's code I would write anyway to unit test my assemblies. Additionally, being able to re-run unit tests at any time removes any apprehension I have about changing code, so refactoring occurs much more frequently.

A good introduction to nUnit is here. CodeProject also has some good articles.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Yup, I'm definitely a child of the 80's

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